Low Head
Penguin Tours
Low Head • Tasmania

Tours run each night just after sunset.

Warm clothing and covered in shoes advisable.

Wheel chair access is available.

Cost: $17.50 Adult
$10 Child

Contact: Shirley
0418 361 860
Fax: (03) 6382 2310

The Tour Bus For an additional fee a small bus comes from Launceston each evening.
We offer a pick up and return service from accommodation places and private homes in Launceston.

Viewing Guidelines:

If you intend to go penguin watching, please read the fairy penguin viewing guidelines beforehand to ensure that you do not disturb these highly sensitive birds.

Left to themselves, penguins will start to leave the water at last light so that they are under the cover of darkness. This helps to protect them from predators. At this time they are very vulnerable (they regard people as potential predators) and hence are wary. If they sense a threat or are disturbed by torchlight or loud noise they stay at sea longer. This is stressful for them and can interfere with breeding, or may prevent them reaching their hungry young in the burrow. Penguins have excellent vision and easily spot movement, especially if they see you outlined against the sky.

Don’t walk through the penguin colony, as this damages the burrows. And it is best not to walk along the beach to your observation point, as this blocks the penguins’ access to their burrows.

Only dim torches emitting a red light (red cellophane over the lens is fine) should be used and then never directed toward the water or directly at the penguins. Flash cameras should not be used on the beach. Video cameras, without spotlights, can be used and produce better results at dusk than conventional cameras.

Do not under any circumstances visit a colony with dogs. They are a major threat to penguins. Even if dogs are leashed their smell remains to attract others. Take food scraps away as these also attract dogs.

The cover of darkness brings the fairy penguins out of the ocean abyss and back to the beach for bedtime in their burrows. This comprehensive tour takes visitors to the nesting site to watch these wonderful waddlers. Commentary on penguin behaviour is provided, as well as maritime and colonial history of the area.